Revealed By An American Family’s Journey From 16th Century Spanish Colonialism To Modernity (1509-1960)

About This Book

Dr. Charles A. Santos-Buch is the patriarch of a family that is among the oldest in the New World, extending back to the first decade of the sixteenth century. In his book, A Differing View of Cuba’s History, published by TriMark Press, he delves into his family’s journey and roots, from their successful campaign against Islam’s occupation of Spain to modern America. His story, part historical record, part autobiography, covers many of the important events in Cuba’s history in a different way by illustrating how they affected his family and the destiny of the “tragic island” up through the Cuban Revolution. Through text and images, the reader will learn first-hand of Fidel Castro’s policies and their effect on a family that ultimately saw no choice but to leave their homeland permanently.

Dr. Santos-Buch’s unique way of telling his family’s history is what will compel the reader to turn the pages. “Even though I have tried to confirm historical facts and events, much of this narrative is based on information passed by word of mouth by my elders, information undoubtedly no different than that passed on from a tribal chief to another, full of fury, images, whimpers and loud sounds over the course of five centuries plus,” he tells the reader. “As the book moves to modern times, the principal characters are hammered by bewildering ‘truths’ professed through many personal encounters and these so-called truths are frequently deceived by labyrinthine political views or turgid logic.”

TriMark Publisher Barry Chesler describes the book as a “must read” for anyone interested in Cuba’s history regardless of its concentration on the Santos-Buch family. “Dr. Santos-Buch has such a unique way of telling his family’s story that anyone with an interest in Cuba will be riveted from the opening pages.”

Charles A. Santos-Buch